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Drawings done by Richard Curley





Drawings done by Wade Jones





* I do artwork for the Koshare Indian Museum
in LaJunta, Colorado. After doing an art 
show at the museum, the money I earned went
back home to a domestic violence shelter on 
my reservation.
* I was awarded second place in the Inter Tribal
Art Contest in New Mexico/
* I was asked twice to be in the Native People
Magazine for the work I've done for the domestic
violence shelter and for fighting for Native rights
here in the Colorado DOC.
* I create logos for businesses and designs for Pow
Wow t-shirts.
* I participate in art shows that help other people
whatever their concerns may be. It's another way for
me to give back.

This drawing and info is from Jon Ray YellowBoy






Drawings done by Darren Deers Walking





 Drawings done by Tony Hanna





 Drawing done by Myron Falls Down



© Copyright Jessie Metz